But, tricky for us, our choices are far more subtle. (Parkin, 2003...)
The Joseph Smith Translation of 1 Corinthians 10:23 reads,
"All things are not lawful for me, for all things are not expedient; all things are not lawful, for all things edify not."
I like this verse because it reminds me that all things are not necessary. We can get a long to do list sometimes but it's important to know what's important. After church on Sunday Spence and I were discussing one of the Sacrament talks we heard. Speaking about Mothers, one of the Bishopric members mentioned that it’s important to keep in mind our priorities and the essential things in life. Sometimes Moms can overwhelm themselves. There are so many responsibilities and then the feeling of falling short if your expectations are high. I know I am my own worst critic and even though I am not a Mom, as I have started housekeeping for the first time (living with roommates was kind of like ‘anything goes,’) I've had a learning curve. It's SO fun to have ownership with Spence of our space, but I also occassionaly overwhelm myself if I get too ambitious. It's a job I can take too far: with decorating and cooking and baking and shopping.... if I don't check myself I find occasionally that I get carried away. I start to notice dust in a corner instead of taking care of more important tasks. Moving in and setting up was a bigger job than the average daily maintenance, and that's officially complete. Spencer is a huge help so the odds are with me, I think it will be fine, but I came across this verse and connected it with the comment in church, so I figured I still have room to improve. I can start to be a perfectionist sometimes and it was a nice reminder that Spence happened to mention this comment as we talked about what we learned in church, I mean, if I stress myself out now what will happen once we have kids!? Haha. There are priorities in my life and I need to consider them when I decide how to spend my time.
I loved the talk entitled 'Choosing Charity: That Good Part,' given by Bonnie Parkin at a General Relief Society Meeting in 2003. (I mentioned it above.) She seems to drive home the point brought up in the story of Mary and Martha, of meeting spiritual and temporal needs for ourselves and our families. We need to choose the best option at given points in our day and life.
How do you choose whether something would be nice to do or is essential and must happen as soon as possible?